How Kayaking Can Keep You Physically And Mentally Fit

If you have resolved to get into shape, consider kayaking Rose Bay in New South Wales Australia. Kayaking physical benefits include increased aerobic capacity, core conditioning, and weight loss. The social and psychological benefits of kayaking include the enjoyment of making new friends and stress reduction.

Image may contain: one or more people, outdoor, water and nature

Core conditioning

When you paddle a kayak, you strengthen your core muscle groups. These muscles are major muscles of your trunk that support, move and stabilise your spine. The constant but small movement required to balance in a kayak together with the rotational movement of paddling build your core strength. Your core muscle groups will strengthen with repeated paddling excursions. Core conditioning will also offer off-the-water benefits such as reaching down, lifting heavy objects or reaching up to a shelf becomes easier when your core muscles are strong.

Lose weight

Paddling a kayak can help you lose weight. Paddling a kayak can burn about two hundred and five calories per hour. You can join kayaking Rose Bay in Sydney New South Wales Australia if you want to lose weight.

Aerobic fitness

You require constant exertion to paddle a kayak. This increases the respiration rate of the paddler. Over time, it can help you improve the ability of your heart, lungs and vascular system to deliver enough oxygen to your muscles. The benefits of being aerobically fit include decision-making capability, improved endurance, mental alertness and concentration.


Shoving off a kayak into your favouriteriver or lake is a great way of breaking with the stress of daily life. This will help you enjoy the natural world.
Image may contain: 2 people, ocean, sky, outdoor, water and nature

Friends and family

While kayaking Rose Bay in New South Wales Australiacan help you make new friends, you can still strengthen the friendship you have by going on a kayaking tour with family and friends. This will help you create bonds with your family and friends and share the memories in future.


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